Dermal filler applied to the nasal bridge is a highly safe and effective procedure that many patients opt for when they are not satisfied with the straightness of their nasal bridge. Minute details on the face can have a significant impact on one's mood, so small changes can provide a major improvement in patients' facial forms. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a filler procedure designed for patients who do not desire radical changes and assists in contour adjustments.

Dermal filler applications, which have been used in the field of health for almost half a century, particularly in medical aesthetic practices, involve injecting liquid filler materials containing beneficial ingredients such as hyaluronic acid beneath the skin. In addition to offering an effective solution to skin issues like wrinkles and volume loss, filler applications can provide a practical solution to nasal contour problems, especially for those experiencing nasal tip drooping.

The non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure comes into play precisely for patients who complain about drooping in their noses, offering a solution without surgical intervention. Following this procedure, you can immediately return to your social life without experiencing bruising or swelling. For these reasons, non-surgical rhinoplasty appeals to many patients who do not desire radical changes, are unwilling to undergo surgery, and seek a quick recovery.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is suitable for those who do not want a radical change in their nose, experience nasal tip drooping, desire a slightly raised nose, are dissatisfied with their profile view, are unwilling to undergo surgery, need contour adjustments, want to breathe comfortably, and wish to experiment before opting for surgical rhinoplasty.

The advantages of this procedure include its painlessness, quick completion, the ability to achieve a new profile with minor touches, correction of nasal curvature, lifting of the nasal tip, absence of risks associated with surgical aesthetic operations, and the ability to aesthetically enhance the nose-forehead, nose-lip, and nose-wing appearances.
